Glimmers of hope for the New Year
Over the past year, our vulnerabilities have been starkly exposed by coronavirus, and the pandemic continues to present an array of challenges on many different levels. Economic frailties have also been laid bare but, as we enter a new year, there are hopes of recovery in the second half of 2021 and beyond.
A gradual recovery
The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) final 2020 assessment of global economic prospects was entitled ‘A Long and Difficult Ascent’. This provides an apt description of the current situation, with the international soothsayer’s predictions pointing to a moderate rebound in 2021 with a continuing gradual recovery over the following few years.
Reasons to be cheerful
While the IMF forecast does highlight continuing risks and uncertainties, which largely centre on the future path of the pandemic, there are reasons for some guarded optimism. Continuing progress in the search for COVID-19 vaccines and the economic stimuli promised by US President-elect Joe Biden, for instance, should both have a positive impact on market sentiment during 2021.
Look to the future
Whatever the future holds though, the key to successful investing will inevitably remain embracing a long-term philosophy that is based on sound financial planning principles. In practice, this means maintaining a diversified investment portfolio which suits your attitude to risk and resisting any urge to panic trade. It also means looking forwards, focusing on future key trends and longer-term investment themes.
Advice remains paramount
Another key component for investor success will undoubtedly be the provision of expert advice and the construction of a tailored plan setting out realistic and achievable financial goals. Indeed, given the heightened market turbulence and uncertainty, it has arguably never been more important to obtain professional financial advice. So, get in touch and we’ll help you navigate your way through the opportunities and challenges that emerge as the new year unfolds.
The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. The past is not a guide to future performance and past performance may not necessarily be repeated. Inheritance Tax Planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.